Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box
Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box

Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box

Laser Cut
File Format
L 290 x W 170 x H 260 mm
Material Thickness
Material Type
Verified Status
(✔) Verified with Laser Cutting
The Laser Cut Makeup Organizer Lipstick Stand with Jewelry Box is a digital file for laser Cutting machine, the drawing is available in cdr, dxf, svg, file format download for free.

This drawing is designed to have a thickness of 2.5mm and uses MDF material.

Our Team Verified this drawing with Laser Cut Machine, after verification Categorizing it as Verified (✓) Mark with the details include material specifications Thickness etc…

This is our unique makeup organizer design, especially for lipsticks. It is for the thirty lipstick holders, in a single row have six sections for lipsticks, and a total are five layers of lipstick. On the right side, we've added a drawer for storing jewelry, hairbrushes, or other small items. Additionally, we designed removable pockets on both the left and right sides, perfect for organizing liners, and makeup brushes.

Laser Cut CDR CDR Format .cdr 59.7 KB
Laser Cut DXF DXF Format .dxf 795.5 KB
Laser Cut SVG SVG Format .svg 52.3 KB

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